It was a lovely sunny Bank holiday Sunday so with a promise from Ben D of "an easy ride, swimming to an island and camping out" we went on our way. I over estimated my fitness and ability to cycle up steep hills after a pint, Ben F came on a fixie so the whole thing was a struggle and Ben D gracefully flew up and over every hill without breaking a sweat.
We made it to Ben's Google Maps located island to discover it had been conquered a long time ago. Feeling like we might make the inhabitants uncomfortable if we invaded we took the next option, erecting our tent on the edge of some woods worryingly close to a cub scout camp.
After making a massive fire we scouted about and found an old rear brake, tossed it in and cooked some sausages on it. Luckily it was dark enough to hide that they were mostly raw and the whiskey hid the taste. With that the three of us clambered into a 1 men tent and I had one of the worst nights sleep of my life.
The cycle home went by in a blur of dehydration and tiredness.
All in all it was an experience and I can't wait to go again, perhaps with a little more preparation and some equipment.